Session 1 - What is blockchain technology? Everything you need to know about blockchain’s origins and future

A blockchain is a distributed and shared database where the database storage devices are not all linked to a common processor. Every block is connected to the previous block and has a transaction data and timestamp, but blockchain technology is so much more.

Blockchain is a quickly evolving, exciting industry. Its technology is being applied across diverse sections including finance, real estate, education and healthcare. Discover why blockchain is important to modern society and, more importantly, what its future holds.

  • Key issues shaping the future of blockchain in Australia and globally
  • What are blockchain’s uses?
  • How does blockchain technology work?
  • What’s the future of blockchain technology?
Karen Cohen


Karen Cohen

Founder - Emerging Tech Talent, Women in Emerging Tech, Founder

Karen Cohen

[Day 1] Wed 30 Nov 2022





Adj. Professor Warwick Powell

Adj. Professor Warwick Powell

Chair, Smart Trade Networks

Adj. Professor Warwick Powell
Aimee Maree Forsstrom

Aimee Maree Forsstrom

Board Member, Open Source Industry Australia

Aimee Maree Forsstrom
Akasha Rose

Akasha Rose

Growth Lead, Cosmic Champs

Akasha Rose
Alessio Bonti

Alessio Bonti

Cloud Architect & Blockchain Expert, IBM

Alessio Bonti
Alexander Baigent

Alexander Baigent

CTO & Co-Founder, Fluidity.Money

Alexander Baigent
Allan Endresz

Allan Endresz

Founder, Zucoins

Allan Endresz
Alyse Sue

Alyse Sue

Director of Metaverse, KPMG

Alyse Sue
Andrew Collins

Andrew Collins

Co-Founder & CEO,

Andrew Collins
Anouk Pinchetti

Anouk Pinchetti

COO - The Miner Network

Anouk Pinchetti
Ben Ford

Ben Ford

Head of Growth, Frollo

Ben Ford
Benjemen Elengovan

Benjemen Elengovan

Founder & CEO at MyGigsters, Winner Entrepreneur of the Year - Smallbiz Young Hero Award 2022

Benjemen Elengovan

Bill Angelidis

CEO & Founder, Asta

Bill Angelidis
Bobby Oparaocha

Bobby Oparaocha

CEO & Founder, Valyou X

Bobby Oparaocha
Caroline Bowler

Caroline Bowler

CEO - BTC Markets

Caroline Bowler
Clare Robson

Clare Robson

Director Solutions Marketing - APAC, Okta

Clare Robson
Dan McCarthy

Dan McCarthy

Regional Head, Wise

Dan McCarthy
Danielle Marie

Danielle Marie

CBO, Saltera Web 3 Learning

Danielle Marie
Donna McConnell

Donna McConnell

Founder and Director - Crypto Literacy Australia, Australasian Business Developer - The Defi Collective

Dr Aaron Lane

Dr Aaron Lane

Senior Research Fellow - RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub, Senior Lecturer in Law - RMIT University

Dr Aaron Lane
Dr Nataliya Ilyushina

Dr Nataliya Ilyushina

Research Fellow, Blockchain Innovation Hub RMIT University

Dr Nataliya Ilyushina