ACSC’s guides to help protect small business’ cloud environments

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) is pleased to launch the Small Business Cloud Security Guides. These were developed to help small businesses secure their cloud environments and better protect themselves from the most common cyber security incidents.

“The ACSC worked with Microsoft to develop these guides. By working alongside organisations, both public and private, we are making Australia a hard target for cybercriminals” said Abigail Bradshaw, Head of the Australian Cyber Security Centre.

We recognise owners and operators of small businesses may not have the resources or time to understand online complexities or establish complicated responses to potential risks. Guides such as these can assist businesses in understanding cyber risk and how to work with a managed service provider, or internal technical employees to ensure a robust cyber posture.

Over 76,000 cybercrime reports were submitted to the ACSC in the 2021-22 financial year. On average that equates to one in Australia every 7 minutes.

 “As technology advances, so should our cyber security. A cybercrime can be devastating and can cause significant financial loss for a small business. On average, cyber incidents cost small businesses over $39,000. These guides are designed to help businesses secure their systems and data” said Alexi Boyd CEO Council of Small Business Organisations Australia.

The Small Business Cloud Security Guides are just some of the resources available at, which help individuals and businesses improve their cyber security.

The ACSC Partnership Program enables the sharing of insights and collaborative opportunities to lift the cyber resilience across all sectors of the Australian economy.

“We encourage all Australians to join our Partnership Program and receive timely information, such as these guides, to help them keep their systems and networks secure,” said Abigail Bradshaw.

Source: Commonwealth of Australia 2022

SmallBiz Week – Australia’s largest small business event is coming back to Melbourne May 2023! Register now for the Small Business Expo and SmallBiz Seminars


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