Speaker Profile

Shahmeer Chaudhry
Shahmeer Chaudhry
CEO & Co-Founder, Fluidity.Money
Shahmeer Chaudhry

Shahmeer Chaudhry is the Co-Founder and CEO of Fluidity Money and awarded 25 under 25 in Technology. Shahmeer has a Bachelors of CS Advanced and a passion in the field of future technologies and their implications on contemporary societies and economies, focusing on Blockchain and Decentralised Finance.

Shahmeer has been involved in the Blockchain space for a few years and was a Board Member at the Blockchain Acceleration Foundation.


[Day 1] Wed 30 Nov 2022 -




Picture blockchain as building blocks - what are the financial system blocks needed to build a robust digital economy for the future?

  • Cryptographic primitives - where are we heading?
  • Replicating web 2 onto web 3 and beyond
  • Infrastructure layer as a fundamental building block
  • What are the Financial System Blocks?
  • What is possible with Blockchain Building Blocks?


CEO & Co-Founder, Fluidity.Money


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