Cybersecurity spending sees a notable escalation

If something appears to be too good to be true, it most likely is.

Cyberspace is a complex environment that requires a level of backing to be of convenience to the government, people and businesses. Research on cybersecurity development thus has been a priority for Australia.

Data security and spending

Data, including private and personal, is constantly being shared too fast and too comfortably. Unfortunately with poor security practices, the sharing of such information can easily result in identity theft and reputation damages.

Australian consumers and businesses lost over A$2 billion to scams in 2021, according to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) annual Targeting Scams report. This should be an unmissable warning sign.

What worse is, social apps that attract millions of Australians such as TikTok and Instagram are in a race to accumulate users’ personal and behaviour data. If data is that effortless to access, how easy it would be for a person to experience fraud?

Is Australia heading to even greater losses in the years to come or are we finally taking action?

Scheduled on 30 November – 1 December 2022 at Sydney SMC Conference Centre, FINTECH22 showcases Australia’s leading FinTech products, services and firms, and features industry panels and engaging keynotes presented by industry experts, CEOs, founders, entrepreneurs and executives of major blockchain and fintech companies.

Hear from Fintech experts and learn about cybersecurity threats and prevention surrounding emerging techologies at FINTECH22 Forum Sessions.

What would the experts say?

Delegates at FINTECH22 can attend a number of fintech & blockchain related Ted-Talk style presentations and panel discussion sessions.

Forum Sessions cover a range of topics related to fintech from blockchain technology, cryptocurrency to emerging tech, the evolution of automaton, and financial crimes.

Forum Sessions presented by CEOs, founders, entrepreneurs, senior government officials and executives of major blockchain and fintech companies discussing critical topics affecting the industry, global financial markets, investing options and future consumer trends.

Emerging tech, cybersecurity, current trends and the future of blockchain security, financial crime risks and crypto-crime will be discussed in details at FINTECH22 Forum Sessions in Sydney.

Attend FINTECH22 Sydney to:

  1. Hear from FinTech experts and learn how business innovations can elevate and grow your business
  2. Create new connections with major players and thought-leaders within the industry
  3. Network within the fintech, blockchain and crypto communities
  4. Build upon existing connections with top decision makers

Don’t miss out on what the future holds for you and join us at FINTECH22 SMC Conference Centre, Sydney.



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